Friday, 22 July 2011

Onda vi10

Hello whoever reads this :)

Wondering about the Onda Vi10 or upgrading to android 2.2 / custom firmware?
There is very little documentation ( in english) about this device and any software mods.
I decided to make a english post so that the rest of the world can enjoy modding the device.

If you are looking for software updates or other firmwares then navigate here, use google page translation to go through it. theres a entire fourm about this device and you can get all sorts of firmware and patches there.
In order to download anything you will have to make a account and post a comment. I will give you a few firmwares here to spare you :)
Language issue: If you flash and device is stuck in chinese. Go to Settings ( look for its icon) then select the 8th menu down in the list, select the first menu within that one and you will be able to change languages back to english. 

- Android Froyo 2.2 v4
-- I am currently downloading this so i dont know if it is any good, but according to the forum it is the most stable 2.2 for the Onda Vi10. it has been striped of all useless stuff Onda loads on it. Will update you to how it runs.

-Another Froyo Firmware (flashing now) Forum
--  Ok booting now, boot screen is chinese.
-- Unplug device to do screen alignment, might say low battery.
-- Runs WAY smoother, pre rooted and has market ( signing in - successful) MARKET WORKS FULLY
-- keyboard seems to be less buggy, can type faster without it repeating letters or closing.
-- this build seems to have all issues fixed, all hardware works, g-sensor and hdmi!
I recommend upgrading to this. looks like the onda vi10 can get android market

In order to flash your device you will need a rockchip flashing tool ( download). instructions are in the file but will but them here also

Heres text file on flashing onda rockchip all was in chinese :P

Translated for you :D

1.  Power your device off fully
2.  Plug it into the computer, hold down the back button and power button till your computer detects new hardware. It will not recognize it. Go to device manager and install the driver in this archive(folder called driver). Point it to the folder it is in ( manual install) windows will do the rest. Once you have installed the driver RKupdate, block 1 will go from pink ( device dectected) to green (device ready)
3.  In the application there are 2 browse to file fields. Do not touch the boot one, go to the second field and browse to your update.img file
To start the flash press the first left hand button at the bottom of the app, then the second one. Leave your device plugged in and it will begin the flash

if you have any issues or questions email me
Update: FW Download links my no longer work, due to the hosting limits of the blog. I no longer have the firmwares :( sorry, just look around and see if you find something you like.


  1. thanks man! i will be flashing my tablet soon because i can get to work the hdmi with the original firmware, so im looking a new one that has market and hdmi functioning.

    Only one question, if you could upload the firmware and the software to flash the tablet would be awesome! because the links are broken.


  2. flashed finally! must say this is very great, the tablet now runs veeeery smooth, but the rom i put doesn't allow hdmi (2.2 v4) ill be waiting if they release de v5, and i hope to see the news in this blog too hehehe! thanks for your help Zack!

  3. Thanks for the post! The Vi10 is a great device, I don't know why it's not more popular. The build quality is great and Onda is actually supporting the device! They just released Ice Cream Sandwich for it.

  4. I trouble with ONDA VI10. I can't download. please!!!!!!!!
